There are five easy steps toward making your offer more desirable and winning a bidding war:
- Write a letter to the seller. Almost everybody loves their home, so when you compliment the seller on things like the decor or the lighting fixtures, you build a rapport with them that resonates far more strongly than simply writing an offer.
- Include proof of funds in your pre-approval. Show them that you have the cash for your down payment. This will establish your seriousness far better than a lender writing a pre-approval letter vouching for a loan.
- Make sure your purchase offer is detailed and complete. It’s your agent’s job to verify that all of the information on the offer is filled out completely, including things like the listing agent’s name, office information, phone number, license number, and brokerage number. This proves to the agent representing the seller that you’re going to do the work that you’re responsible for, and that they won’t have to worry about it.
- Forget lowball offers! In this market full of multiple offers, a lowball offer might not even be addressed at all. I always advise my clients to write their offer at a price that they feel comfortable with. Decide what your sweet spot is and put your best foot forward.
- Shorten the contingency period. An inspection contingency, for example, usually takes around 17 days, but it shouldn’t take that long. You can shorten it to 10 and show the seller that you’re serious and want to take the next step into the escrow process.
Decide what your sweet spot is and put your best foot forward.